Are you using the all-new Teams yet?

Are you using the all-new Teams yet?

Tired of waiting for Teams to load? Microsoft has heard your frustration and has rebuilt it from the ground up. The all-new Teams is faster and uses less memory; we give you all the details

Get ready for another game-changer from Teams

Get ready for another game-changer from Teams

Microsoft is working hard to lead the AI revolution and its latest update to Teams will certainly make it a front-runner. We think the potential is unlimited, here we’ll tell you why.

Now AI can make your Teams meetings more productive


Are you tired of wasting precious time in meetings, only to leave feeling confused and disorganized? Do you struggle to keep track of all the action items and follow-up tasks that come out of these meetings? Microsoft Teams has launched a new feature which could solve your problems and boost productivity.  Meeting Recap is an […]

Three New Teams Features to Look Forward To

Teams Features The use of Microsoft Teams has just exploded in the last few years, and it now boasts 270 million people using it every month. Of course, it was the right tool at the right time when we all rushed to working from home at the start of the pandemic. But the growth of Teams […]